“Little Stars” is the first School of Film and Television for Children in Romania, dedicated exclusively to 6 to 12 years old kids. The school was founded by Ariana Pendiuc (movie director) and Ema Pendiuc (TV programme producer), two passionate sisters.
In its seven years of work, the Little Stars School succeeded in having a big portfolio, together with a young and professional production team, along with the school trainers and over 700 children trained. Now they have 24 short and medium length films for children, most of them with educational themes, which are part of a wider series entitled “Adventures of the Little Stars”. Since 2010, there have been taking place 14 Premieres of children’ films, in the big cinemas.
Among the films starring Little Stars, 5 short films succeeded in being selected at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015 at the Short Film Corner and Romanian Short Waves: “Little Stars at School”, “Little Stars in the countryside”, “Little Stars discover the secret of the magnets”, “Adventures of Little Stars in the Park” and “The Homework Machine”.