Film and Television Workshop for Children – Ramnicu Valcea

The workshop is an initiation in the film world, an opportunity for participating children to get in touch with the camera, to speak at the microphone, and to get acquainted with a filming platform. Thus, in the first part of the workshop, the children will interact with each other in front of the camera and have the opportunity to improvise different scenes or situations, under the guidance of the trainer…. read more

Visit to the Castel Film Films, Izvorani

Visit to the Castel Film Films, Izvorani At the beginning of May, Little Stars visited Castle Films from Izvorani. The children were delighted with the experience, being attracted to Western, historic or war plots. Some of the productions of Little School were filmed in the studio studios. During the visit the children had many surprises, one of them being the meeting with Bogdan Stelea, Gabi Balint and Mihai Georgescu. Little… read more

The Little Stars follow the mysterious detectives in the film

The Little Stars follow the mysterious detectives in the film At the end of last week, Little Stars School,, the first School of Film and Television for Children in Romania, brought smiles and joy to school graduates, parents, grandparents and their supporters. It has just released at Movieplex Cinema, in Plaza Romania, the newest film for children named “Tradarea”. This is the sixth episode of the much-loved “Series” with… read more

Positive thinking and healthy eating in schools Bucharest

  Over 6000 students from 10 schools in Bucharest returned from the more smiling and healthier winter vacation. They had the opportunity to put into practice the notions learned between November and December 2016, when they participated in the 8th edition of the Little Vision Caravan. This educational project, supported by Napolact BIO, has managed to bring to children’s attention the importance of positive thinking and healthy eating everyday. In… read more

The first Romanian movie for children available online

In children’s holiday, Little Stars School,, the first Film and Television School for Children in Romania, comes with great news. It has just released at Movieplex Cinema in Plaza Romania, the newest film for children, The Magician. This is the fifth episode of the much-loved Series with detectives. The event was a double premiere of both the film and the first online double platform for children and parents in… read more

National Short Film Competition for Young Children

National Short Film Competition for Young Children The Film and Television School for Children, in partnership with UNIVER, presents the NATIONAL CHILD FILM COMPETITION, 1st edition. As today’s children’s generations have permanent contact with today’s technology, we want to challenge children passionate about cinema through this national film contest. Through the online platform of the Little Stars Club (, teams from Bucharest, Brasov, Rm Valcea, Campina and Pitesti have the… read more

The first Romanian movie for children available online

Little Stars School, the first School of Film and Television for Children in Romania, is launching on Thursday, October 27, at the Movieplex Cinema in Plaza Romania, the newest film for children, The Magician. This is the fifth episode of the much-loved Series with detectives. It will be a double premiere of both the film and the first online double parent platform for children and parents in Romania, called the… read more

We started the Autumn Fellowships 2016

We are pleased to announce that we have opened the subscriptions for the Film and Television courses – autumn 2016 (12 weeks between September and December). Together with us, the little ones will develop their group integration skills, self-confidence, concentration and imagination. The courses will begin in September and are dedicated to children between the ages of 6 and 12 who want to discover the world of film and television…. read more

Small Journals Projection – Beginner Module, spring 2016

We are very proud to introduce you the Graduates of the Small Film and Television Courses, The Beginner Module, Spring 2016: Little Journal Screening. The children worked a lot for their final exam, filming the Little Stars Journal, where each had the role of an animal newscaster, news for children or sports. The screening of this Journal took place on September 14, in a festive setting, at the festivity hall… read more

Cartoon Network Expedition, a new show with Little Celebrities!

The Cartoon Network expedition, an adventure show and general culture for children and large people, will be shown on the Cartoon Network Romania channel every Saturday and Sunday, starting March 5, 2016 at 11.45! You will have the opportunity to see Little Carla Isache, Maria Rolea, David Rolea, Ioana Niţu, Silviu Ciupercă, Maria Daniela Dan, Roberta Mitache, Ioan Olariu and Andrei Bulacu!