What Does It Means for Kids the Experience in Little Stars School?
What does it means for you the experience in Little Stars School?
The experience of the Little Stars helped me a lot in the diction, to have a positive reaction in front of the camera and not to be shy when I express in public. It helped me make new friends and I felt special when I was a presenter or when I played a lead role.
How did you feel on the Red Carpet, when you saw yourself on the big screen of cinema?
I was recently presenting the two films we made at Little Stars at Evira Popesco’s Cinema. Looking at the big screen, I felt we shared to the other kids the same joy and fun that we felt about shooting.
How was filming? What did you like most?
Despite the fatigue we sometimes feel after hours of filming we always have fun, joy and improvisations. What did I most like about shooting? … the movies themselves and if you do not believe me that it’s t the hottest movie, watch them all !!
MARIUS CIUPERCA – Silviu’s father
How is your child evolved since he came to the Little Stars School?
When we decided to enlist Silviu at the Little Stars, our aim was to develop his imagination and improve his expression in front of a broad audience. Undoubtedly, these goals were met, and not only. Silviu has had extraordinary experiences at Little Stars when he was chosen for one of the main roles in the last two films of the detective series. He also had two great chances to participate in the Cartoon Expedition and to shoot with the team in Las Fierbinti. He enjoyed playing during the Las Fierbinti Christmas episode and cried when the shooting was over because he was sorry about not to see the team again. And although Silviu has always been a child in relationships with others, he has developed in a special sense of humor here at Little Stars. And as a parent, I can only enjoy all the experiences that bring it to fulfillment and happiness.
What does it means for you the experience in Little Stars School?
The experience of Little Stars School means for me learning new things and the feeling of doing something important.
How did you feel in front of the camera?
In front of the camera I felt like a television star.
How was the Children’s News filmed? What did you like most?
The most I liked the moments when I was in front of the camera.
ANDREEA ŢICĂ – Daria’s mother
How has your child evolved since she’s coming to Little School Lectures?
From the beginning of the course (the first 3-4 sessions) our child was extremely excited, fact proved by her stories full of joy and the anxiety when she is waiting for the next few hours.
Also during his evolution I have remarked at DARIA self-awareness, reflected in self-mastery, self-control and discipline, aspects that, along with her personality, begin to define her in relationships with others.
In conclusion, taking into account the exposed mentions, we believe that the evolution of DARIA is a positive one and we hope to develop as much as possible the artistic side on the chosen road.
What is the punctual strength of Little School?
From the point of view of a SWOT analysis seen at a scale of the second-class child, the Little Stars School would only fit into strengths, argued by the following considerations:
I have found here a professional team, aware of the “target” set, namely the development of a child’s side that will give it confidence in its own forces and a guide for the future towards a paved road with accomplishments and successes;
The seriousness in each course is approached, which has led learners to perceive activities as adult duties;
Combining the hardness of some activities with the games that are being approached, which make the involved do not forget they are still children;
The proven exigency in attending the courses and the financial lack of interest in the objective sincerity of establishing and communicating to the parents the real inclinations the young ones possess.
What did it means for you to see your daughter in the Small Children’s Journal?
At such times, we believe that each parent has his own feelings. Some people express gratitude, others exaltation, surprise generated by the child’s capabilities as if overcome by the overnight night, the fulfillment of parental duty, delight and childhood projections in adulthood.
We have lived them all.
ANDREEA RAPTIS – Alexia’s mother
How has your child evolved since coming to the Little Stars School?
Since she was very young, Alexia delights us with little improvised performances. Since they have attended Little Stars School, these representations are getting better and speak much more clearly. I am convinced that this is due to interpretation and dictionaries.
What is the strength of the Little Stars School?
The strength of Little Stars School is that it makes children enjoy classes and shootings what is not always easy, but children always take its very seriously. Premieres are absolutely impressive every time.
What does it meant for you to see your daughter on the big screen of cinema?
I was very excited to see my daughter on the big screen of cinema. All her efforts became better have been fruitful.