Little Stars: Anisia Jecan, Angelescu Marc, Chicus Irina, Chicus Laura, Chirita Ruxandra, Ciobanu Andy, Dobrovat Luca, Enescu Adrina, Filip Maria Clara, Frimu Liora, Gheorghevici Filip, Gheorghevici Karla, Godon Esthere, Godon Nathalie, Iftimoaie Nicolae, Ilie Andra, Isache Carla, Mitache Roberta, Moldovan Mara, Neagu Alexia, Negulescu Tudor, Olteanu Ada, Olteanu Razvan, Opris Octavian, Petre Gabriela, Pintilie Ana Maria, Pintilie Mara Ilinca, Popa Ioana Maria, Procopovici Alexia, Rolea David, Rolea Maria Vanessa, Simionescu Andrei, Stancu Maruca Theodora, Stanescu Alexia, Stoian Ioana Teodora, Zanfir George. Business man: Catalin Stelian. City Mayor: Dan Simion. Anisia’s Dad: Adrian Dumitrescu
Director: Ariana Pendiuc, Director of Photography: Cosmin Croitoru, Image operator: Cosmin Croitoru, Vlad Aneste, Sound engineer: Andi Arsenie, Scenography: Bianca Vesteman, Scriptwriter: Andrada Sas, Music: Dumitru Lupu, Edited by: Dragos Dumistracel, Assistant directors: Horatiu Bob, Daria Chitimia, Production assistants: Adrian Stanculescu, Rares Neagu, Grip: Iulian Tartan, Production coordinators: Raluca Cojocaru, Felicia Andrei, Producer: Ema Pendiuc
The film is the 3rd episode of the series “Adventures of Little Stars”. Instead of a park in a residential neighborhood in Bucharest, a mall was approved. Incidentally or not, in this park is the only playground for children. And they decide not to stay away, but on the contrary, to solve the situation as they know best. And to succeed, the kids turn to Anisia, the little girl who has run away from home in search of adventure.