Little Stars: Marc Angelescu, Luca Dobrovat, Karla Gheorghevici, Filip Gheorghevici, Eva Hustiu, Roberta Mitache, Octavian Opris, Ana Maria Pintilie, Mara Ilinca Pintilie, Alessia Maria Popa, Maria Vanessa Rolea, David Rolea, Teodora Ioana Stoian, Andy Robert Ciobanu, Hana Chicos, Laura Maria Chicus, Irina Elena Chicus, Ruxandra Chirita, Vlad Mihai Geana, Francesca Lupu, Anita Marcu, David Ioana Marcu, Tudor Negulescu, Alexandra Olteanu, Maria Ioana Popa, Maruca Theodora Stancu, Teodora Stefan, Alexandru Umbres, Eric Zamfirescu, George Zanfir, Grandpa: Lucian Petcu, Teacher: Tamara Roman Dodoc
Director: Ariana Pendiuc, Director of Photography: Cosmin Croitoru si Vlad Aneste, Scriptwriter: Alexandra M. Paun, Edited by: Paula Onet, Image operators: Cosmin Croitoru, Vlad Aneste, Sound engineers: Andi Arsenie, Assistant director: Daria Chitimia, Production assistants: Adrian Stanculescu, Petrica-Iulian Cernea, Production coordinators: Raluca Cojocaru, Felicia Andrei, Producer: Ema Pendiuc
The kids are on the first day of school and learn they have a new classmate, Vlad. But he is shy, so George, one of the boys, comes up with the idea of organizing a play to help him integrate better in the group. The one who writes the play will be Vlad. Will he manage to get rid of his fears by the end of the movie?